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Digital Marketing and SEO – Why Digital Marketing Does Not Work Without SEO

Digital Marketing and SEODigital Marketing and SEO

When it comes to digital marketing  search engine marketing otherwise known as SEO is an important part of the digital marketing Strategy as there is so much to be gained from making this a large part of your overall strategy.

Alot of websites at the moment fail to properly optimise their website which causes the lack of potential traffic to your website . Traffic = Revenue, so this is why digital marketing and SEO should be implemented together in any digital strategy. In this article I hope to explain the significance of SEO and why it is needed in any digital marketing campaign you may be looking to implement in the future.

Search engine Optimisation is a process of obtaining high rankings for your website/blog in the search engines. There are many ways to achieve this result along with certain strategies that must be implemented in order to achieve the desired goal. In this article i have provided some instant tips that you can implement straight away to see improved search rankings within a few weeks.

1. Social Signals

It is imprtant that you have a social media presence online and that you contantly engage with your customers and encourage social sharing. Whilst Google still take notice of text links to your site ( as long as they are relevant to your content). It is also important that you build up your links over a period as anything else will see you get penalised by Google.

2. Meta Tags

Meta tags are used to let the search engines know what your website pages are about they are also used as links from the search engine to your website. Without implementing meta tags across your website you run the risk of low search engine rankings. It is also important that your website pages are focused around one action and one keyword. Then focus your meta title tags around this keyword.

3. Unique content

Writing content is tough but it is also the best way of bringing traffic to your website . When you write keyword rich articles you increase your chances of ranking for that keyword within the search engines. This is how digital marketing and seo really come together. It is also wise to have a content marketing strategy in place so content is produced on a daily basis. Write for the reader  and Google will reward you. Engage in keyword  stuffing and you will find yourself being penalised. You have been warned!

4. Google Plus

Are you on Google plus? If your company is not on Google plus its is also important that you submit your details to Google and claim your Google places listing. This is a vital tip that most companies fail to do which loses them lots of ranking potential. So if you have no Google places listing for your business go and claim your listing now !

5. Bloggers

If your a business selling a range of product it might also be worth making contact with the prominent bloggers within your industry. Giving them FREE product will encourage them to blog about yourproduct which will results in increased brand exposure for your business .

6. Alt Images

Alt Images are also  an important ranking factor in Google. If your website or blog has lots of images on the website check to see if you have optimised your images for the search engines by hovering them. Most will show 2622626.jpg! It is now time you went back and changed all these image name to a description of the image. This will let the search engines know what the images are about and will be another reason to rank your website higher in the search engines.

7. Mobile

Finally. Make sure your website is optimised for mobile. Everybody has smartphones now and research has shown that more and more people are using their mobile phones to search for their information. If your website is not optimised for mobile your potential customer will go elsewhere.

I hope you have found some of these tips useful and if you can implement one or two of these on your own website as part of your digital marketing and seo strategy you will gradually notice the difference over time.







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